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How to Make the Holiday Visitation Schedule Work for You and Your Children Part 2; Berkeley, Fremont, Santa Clara Divorce Attorneys

As experienced divorce and child custody attorneys in the Bay Area, we see how holiday visitation schedules can become incredibly complicated and often a source of conflict. But we believe that with some effort from both parents, and these helpful tips, the holidays can be much more relaxed and enjoyable.

  • Be Flexible

This goes hand in hand with compromise. If you know you travel to visit the grandparents every other year, plan to have the kids with you during those years. And, if your ex wants to take the kids skiing for a week during Christmas, try to be flexible so that next year you can do something special with them. If you get along with each other, try spending Thanksgiving day together with the kids. This can help show your children that you are working together to do what’s best for them.

  • Your Children Come First

In the end, the holidays are about spending time with family and enjoying your kids. If you don’t get along with your ex, try to discuss visitation schedules outside of the presence of your children, and don’t involve the children in decision making about the holidays. This will help keep everything in perspective so that you can both concentrate on your kids.

If you would like assistance creating a holiday visitation schedule or with your child custody arrangement or a divorce, please contact Howard & Fei, LLP at 510-464-8083.

Part I